Sunday, May 07, 2006

Trailer cleanup

Norah and I got our RV trailer out of storage today. Flushed the antifreeze out of the water system (don't worry, it's the special pink RV antifreeze that's safe to run through drinking water lines), sanitized the fresh water system and worked on cleaning the exterior. We also verified that it made it through the winter okay, which it did.

It's a huge hassle having this thing parked half an hour away. Any time we want to do something like wash it, we have to drive to it, hitch up, drive it home, do the work, drive it back, and park it again. Next time I want to do something like this, remind me to budget an entire weekend. The overhead of moving it back and forth makes it take too much time for one day and we ran out of time to get it cleaned as much as we wanted. It's a definite improvement, but I would have preferred to have had more time.

The upside is that we'll be able to use the onboard fresh water system while we're driving out to Colorado. Without having that sanitized, I wouldn't have wanted to use it. Now we just need to get the running lights fixed.


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